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Abstract:   (4257 Views)
After World War II, United States became a global superpower in the world. Although with having little experience in the war with other countries and the emergence of new states in these countries, the US entered the realm of nation-building with the change of government in Germany and Japan. The establishment of the United Nations at this time did not contribute much to the issue of nation-state building government. The establishment of the Cold War and the competition between the two superpowers hinder the proper implementation of the nation-building. With the departure of the Cold War and the liberation of numerous nations from the Soviet :::::union::::: and the independence of colonial-liberated countries, in Africa and Asia, and with the onset of the globalization paradigm in the late twentieth century and the beginning of the contemporary era, it provided the United States, in addition to state-building, to focus on nation-building, especially in the slamic countries. At this era, the US foreign policy has emphasized the establishment of nation-building institutions in the United Nation or alongside. Now, the question is that: “what is the role of the nation-building government in the Islamic world in the US global politics?” From this perspective, the following hypothesis is argued so that by changing the paradigm of the Cold War to globalization, changes in the nation-building government in the Islamic world are reflected in the US policy toward the past. The purpose of the present study is to answer the research questions and to investigate the accuracy or inaccuracy of the proposed hypothesis through descriptive-analytical method using library and electronic resources.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/11/6 | Accepted: 2017/04/2 | Published: 2018/04/10

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