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1- Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, University of Guilan , mniakoee@gmail.com
2- PhD student in International Relations, University of Guilan.
Abstract:   (2461 Views)
The domino of protest movements that has swept across much of the Middle East and North Africa since late 2010 has led to far-reaching changes in domestic, regional and international order. As a result of these developments, signs of a change in the domestic and foreign policies of Middle Eastern governments and other actors involved in this security complex have emerged. This article tries to examine the foreign policy of Syria in the period after the Arab awakening in the framework of the theoretical propositions of the foreign policy of the quasi-states. The question that arises in this regard is how can Syria's foreign policy in the post-insurgency and civil war period be explained? Findings show that Syria's foreign policy after the Arab Awakening can be seen in the light of statements such as the lack of conventional foreign policy tools, the growing role of opposition actors in aggravating quasi-government and strengthening the supportive role of the environment and foreign actors to maintain government security and regime survival. , Analyzed and reviewed. The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical based on the qualitative method and data collection has been done using library and Internet resources.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/12/9 | Accepted: 2019/10/5 | Published: 2019/10/5

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