behavioral Spectrum in hard power include commitment, force and command and behaviors spectrum in soft power include attraction, cooperation and definition of instructions( Nye, psychological operation quarterly,2007 winter,n18,pages 129-152). Todays, soft and cultural power in international field has found especial important and priorities. As all countries of important and influence in international system are going to optimal use from soft and cultural element and tools to insure of theirs national purposes and interests , because enforcement of soft and cultural power covering less costs and more achievements towards to other elements of power. Some kind of government that lacking bases and cultural and spiritual framework even whit having highest sources and economical , industrial and military capacities, they never will be able to insure their survive and continuity. while , sufficient and main condition to survive and growth and bloomy and evolution regardless of material factories is spiritual base or backrest and legitimacy and tautness derived from it or came from of it. Findings of the research show that in soft state and societies, measurements such as knowledge, piety, justice, believe, ethics, rightness, sincerity, jihad, joining good and preventing of vice or bad, cooperative and comment to goodness and truth ,gaining legitimate property, work and production, affection and friendship, purity, freedom, security, wealthy, exhilaration and other ethical values and also development and scientific and political, economic , cultural and eventually promotion and suitable compound of deferent sources of power in logical form are considered as core and important values and. Method of this research is description-analytical method and method of data collecting in this study is library method.
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