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emamigheshlagh M, hashemi S, mohebi M, rostami V. Explaining Iran's foreign policy in compensating for environmental damage in the Persian Gulf. پژوهشهاي سياسي جهان اسلام 2019; 9 (3) :87-104
URL: http://priw.ir/article-1-1140-en.html
1- PhD in Public Law, Department of Public and International Law, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- Visiting Professor, Department of Public and International Law, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3- Assistant Professor, Department of Public and International Law, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
4- Associate Professor, Department of Public Law, University of Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (2115 Views)
Environmental debates are one of the loudest and most serious debates in scientific and even political circles today. The Persian Gulf is of great importance due to its huge oil and gas resources and special environmental conditions. Due to its shallow depth, water salinity, warm air, limited connection with the world's open waters and problems due to the exploitation of its abundant energy resources, it has a special ecosystem. This feature has made it highly vulnerable to polluting sources. The Kuwait Convention identifies five sources of pollution identified in the Persian Gulf, namely: pollution from ship traffic, pollution from the discharge of waste from ships and aircraft Onshore pollution, pollution from exploration and exploitation of seabed and subsoil resources, pollution from other human activities in the Persian Gulf. Therefore, the countries around the Persian Gulf are trying to make strategic decisions in order to prevent pollution by strictly observing international agreements in order to clean up and improve this ecosystem, and to reduce marine pollution, include environmental cooperation as one of their requirements. Various have emphasized the importance of preventing pollution at sea, including the law of accession of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from the Disposal of Waste and Other Substances. Due to the need to compensate for losses in legal systems, the study and discussion of government civil liability in compensation for environmental damage will have a special place in legal discussions, the question of this study is that Iran's foreign policy in environmental compensation What is the Persian Gulf like? The hypothesis and answer presented is that in this regard, studies conducted in Iranian law indicate that the basic principle accepted for the basis of civil liability is liability based on fault, but this liability meets the needs of today in terms of compensation for environmental damage in There are no cases where the damage is not attributable to the government.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/07/8 | Accepted: 2019/10/20 | Published: 2020/01/28

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