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niakoee A, haji V. Analysis and pathology of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Regarding the Syrian civil war (2011-2021). پژوهشهاي سياسي جهان اسلام 2022; 12 (3) :1-28
URL: http://priw.ir/article-1-1614-en.html
1- Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Gilan University, Iran (Responsible Author) , niakoee@gmai.com
2- Master of Regional Studies, Faculty of International Relations, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (528 Views)
Examining Iran's foreign policy towards the Syrian crisis is a very important issue that has different approaches. In this research, taking into account Iran's strong supporting role in the continuation of the Syrian government, the following questions are addressed: What theory can best explain Iran's foreign policy regarding the Syrian crisis? To what extent has this policy been successful and what consequences has it brought? The findings of the research indicate that the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syria mainly has a security aspect and is aimed at confronting threats and maintaining regional influence, so its explanation is from the perspective of realism approach and specifically the threat balance theory. It is more suitable. This policy has been successful in curbing direct security threats, especially the strengthening of Takfiri groups in the western region of Iran, as well as maintaining the regional influence of the Islamic Republic, however, it has also brought some shortcomings and consequences. We can mention the widening of religious divisions in the region as well as the decline of the soft power of the Islamic Republic of Iran and aligned groups in the Arab world. On the other hand, the limited view of military security on the Syrian area and the weakness of Iran's economic diplomacy, as well as the actions of other influential actors in Syria, such as Russia, to expand the sphere of influence have also had negative effects on Iran's interests in this region. In this research, a descriptive analytical method was used and the data collection method is library.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/02/12 | Accepted: 2022/06/23 | Published: 2022/09/23

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