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Islam and International Relations: Onthological perspective. پژوهشهاي سياسي جهان اسلام 2016; 5 (4) :113-136
URL: http://priw.ir/article-1-179-en.html
Abstract:   (4826 Views)

Studied on the relation between Islam and IR up now mentioned them from one side to side; the world divide into two or more sections from the Islamic view and introducing the Islam as a new challenge of the world in IR surveying's. Knowing the better understanding needs what entity to be taken of Islam from the onthologically. Four entities of Islam discusses here: Islam as religion, Islam as Ideology (Islamic Fundamentalism), Islam as identity and Islam as international ethics. Main theme of the paper is to delineate the latter as the best entity that compromised it to IR course.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/11/14 | Accepted: 2016/01/1 | Published: 2017/05/7

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