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zaihnia A. Farrokhi Yazdi's political protest approach and his colonial critical thinking in the constitutional era. پژوهشهاي سياسي جهان اسلام 2018; 8 (4) :197-220
URL: http://priw.ir/article-1-930-en.html
Payam Noor University , Asieh.zabihnia@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2608 Views)
Farrokhi Yazdi, as one of the libertarian politicians played a significant role in constitutional poltical Movement. He dedicated his own life and poetry to constitutional government. Farrokhi's poem is a critical and protesting one which shows social and political suffers and pains and is regarded as a court which aims at judicially trying and passing sentence to corruptions, as well as publishing exposes against these corruptions and oppressions etc. The existence of objection in the base and foundation of a system shows the existence of violation, cruelty and disorder. On one hand, one of the political factors that caused the revolution was the tyrannical and cruel manner as well as the incapability of Qajar Government and on the other hand, Iran social changes and developments. Due to the specific sensevity of the period as well as the political and social problems of the country and since Farrokhi Yazdi was a poet who was a fighter and showed courtesy as well as was familiar with the people's pains, Political complaints in the constitutional period had a high importance in his poems. Most of political complaints in the constitutional period have been seen in Farrokhi Yazdi's poems. He, achieving the sublime aims and fulfilling justices, freedom and equality, sought for the administration of these elements in the society and intended to make the people aware of the era monarchs through shouting the complaint and criticism. According to the present investigation, it is concluded that, contrary to the other Iran political eras, the dominant and considered pain of the current study, in the constitutional period, is the people's pain, and wrong dominated policies on the society and sovereigns' cruelty and attention and fortune of people to him and his poems roots in his social ideology.   
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/09/4 | Accepted: 2018/12/16 | Published: 2019/06/11

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